Hand In Hand: Web Development And Search Engine Optimization

Hand In Hand: Web Development And Search Engine Optimization

Lee 0 391 05.31 02:14
Your keyword density needs to be between 2% and 4%. Most people already understand this but they don't understand why. Knowing why will help you understand how important it is and why you need search engine optimization. Keywords tell the search site what you're talking about. Too few keywords in the text and it doesn't think the keywords relate to the text. To many and the text is too filed with keywords to be useful to anyone.


When you're putting up content online make sure you focus on one keyword as the root of your article. If you're not doing content to achieve search engine optimization do not worry about focusing on one keyword. If you are trying to rank on the front page of Google you will need to target only that one keyword for each piece of content.

semantic seo Now, with article writing on the hand, I don't worry about any algorithm changes, all I have to focus on is keyword rich content and quality information that readers will be happy to get their hands on.

Using articles to promote websites is perhaps the most common link building strategy that is used. This effectively leads to one way link building for you website and increase your online presence. As you use this method you should ensure that the selected keywords appear in crucial parts such as the title, first paragraph, the article body and Search engine optimization at the last paragraph. The keywords should also appear as anchor text in the "About the Author" section of the article. By submitting an article to the article directories you will have given them content that their readers can read about. In return they will give you the "About the Author" section where you will introduce yourself and give links to your website.

Unfortunately the market has been saturated with single tasks and sold as SEO. An article writer would offer his service directly to possible clients as SEO service. A link builder would offer his service directly and call it SEO. Hey, even designer are creating SEO ready templates.
