Etta Joseph 0 33 06.23 14:01

Carisoprodol is a numbing agent utilized to alleviate spasms, pain and discomfort. It can cause addiction when used in excess. The heart, kidneys, the lungs and liver may be affected by the abuse. You must follow all instructions.


It is sold as a tablet to take by mouth. The medication should be taken three times daily, with or without eating.


Carisoprodol (also known as Soma) is an anti-inflammatory agent that eases stiffness and pain due to muscle spasms. Schedule IV indicates that it is low-risk of addiction or abuse if it is taken as advised by your physician. It is available online at a variety of pharmacies. It's available either in tablet or liquid form.

Carisoprodal affects neurons in the spinal cord and brain that cause the cells to relax. This reduces suffering. It can also be taken along with other medications to treat particular conditions, like muscular skeletal or anxiety-related disorders.

The issue hasn't been investigated during pregnancy, however there are reports that suggest exposure to carisoprodal while pregnant increases the chances of developing birth defects. But, each pregnancy is the chance of developing birth defects. The MHRA and the UK Marketing Authorisation Holder are cooperating to determine the withdrawal of carisoprodol (the essential supply will be provided on a case-by-case basis). Patients in need of a muscle relaxant have safe options.

Side effects

Carisoprodol is also known as Soma and it's a muscle relaxing agent that helps relieve pain from musculoskeletal injury. Use it alone or with physical therapy. It is also used for recreational purposes because of its sedative properties. But, abuse can lead to an addiction or overdose. Alcohol can interact with it and trigger side effects.

Some of the side effects from this drug might include dizziness, drowsiness in coordination loss, stomach upsets, headaches or dry mouth. These symptoms can be intensified by drinking alcohol. It's not advised for people who suffer from porphyria (a genetic enzyme disorder that can trigger symptoms which affect the skin or nervous system). This medication is found in the milk of a nursing infant and causes sleepiness for nursing babies. Discuss with your physician in case you're nursing or are planning to feed your baby.

The long-term use of this medication can lead to withdrawal symptoms in the event that you cease abruptly. It is possible to be advised to gradually reduce your dosage from your physician. Carisoprodol can interact with other medications including diuretics, antidepressants, such as clonazepam (Keppra). Examine the label on the medicines you are taking to determine if they have any interactions.

Be aware of the dangers

Carisoprodol is a numbing agent which acts within neurons in the spinal cord and brain in order to lessen pain through blocking signals that cause pain. It is not a cure of back pain and shouldn't be used in place of rest, rehabilitation, or other treatment options your doctor might suggest. This medication is only available upon prescription by your doctor.

You may feel dizzy or sleepy after taking this medication. Beware of driving and using machines until you're aware of what it does to you. The effects of these can be made worse due to drinks. Be sure to tell your physician about any alcohol-related or drug reactions or kidney, liver or seizure histories.

It's possible the medicine could interact with other drugs including opioids and benzodiazepines. Tell your doctor about all other medicines you are taking in particular, including herbal remedies or supplements. You should not stop or change the dosage of any medication without consulting your doctor. Pregnant women should not take this drug. This drug may be passed through breastmilk. It can also make nursing infants drowsy.


Carisoprodol is a centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant with the potential for abuse similar to that of benzodiazepines. It is abused for its tranquilizing and sedative effects and to also modify the effects of other drugs. It's often used in conjunction with drugs that are illegal, like marijuana and cocaine. This is a common method used by teens with mental illnesses to disguise symptoms, like depression and anxiety.

Carisoprodol creates a pattern of dependence if used excessively or over a prolonged period. It could also trigger dependency when it is combined with other streets drugs or prescription drugs. A doctor must monitor the use of the patient and offer recommendations to a rehabilitation centre if they has symptoms of dependency physical.

If misuse is a factor, seizures, insensibility, or even death may occur. It can also impair mental and physical abilities, including driving. It is able to enter breast milk, and may cause sleepiness click for info nursing babies. The therapy of talking is the primary method of treatment to treat the addiction to relaxation agents. This can include individual or group therapy.
